We all went outside to see everyone off and all of the sudden I heard a bunch of commotion outside our garage door. If you remember about 5 posts ago when I talked about possibly having to move etc.. I mentioned in there that one of the reasons we live in the area we did was because it was a safer area of Lima. I have never felt any danger being here but there are definitely more precautions to take here that I wouldn't think twice about in the US. I specifically said in my post: "though "secure neighborhood" is a relative term." Well when I said relative, this is why:
This is how Kailyn reacted after she realized all head-rest, cd's, glove compartment etc... was GONE
Justin and Alison handled it like champs, I was so proud of them. Our team also did a great job playing cops and robbers. John Mark called security (relative term also since they had just been parked in front of our house for their shift change meeting about an hour before this, WHAT!) Justin flew off on my bike, I took off running to find our security guard friend, Cesar who was a few blocks away, Lee jetted on his scooter, Alison talked to a guy who "might" have seen something and Tara tried to man-handle 6 extremely tired kids.
The car is not able to run right now so it's in our garage. I feel SO bad for them but they are really doing good. They are probably already burning cd's off of i-tunes since everyone of their cd's were stolen. I have to say that when you move here, it's funny how you start detaching yourself from your things. I've kind of had this expectation that something of ours was going to get stolen at some point so that's how I start looking at all my stuff. Alison called tonight and just said "I just started thinking about all the things I'm thankful for that didn't get stolen like my stroller and carseat." Way to look at the brighter side of things. I'm sure well all be joking about this in years to come but tonight I just sit here and look at these pictures and I'm in shock that this just happened right in front of my house and what STUPID things to rip out of a car!
Guess well all be going to "rougher side of town" to have a scavenger hunt and buy back all their parts.
Wow, you guys,....is there ever a dull moment over there?
Wow, you guys,....is there ever a dull moment over there?
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