Thursday night Lee surprised me with a fun date. All I knew was that we were going out... He got a babysitter and then when we got ready to go, I noticed a strange moto-taxi out in front of our house. With our latest robbery I wasn't too comfortable leaving our babysitter with a strange car parked out in front of our house.
Lee kept on talking it up and asking why in the world it would be in front of our house?!? Finally he just turned to me and said "oh wait, maybe it's there because it's our ride!" I looked at him and laughed so hard but also was SO excited! I've been wanting to ride in one of these things since we got here. Shortly after realizing that the moto-taxi was our ride, John Mark and Tara (our teammates) showed up on their motorcycle and Tara and I realized we were going together!
We all four piled in the back of this TINY moto taxi and laughed the whole way to our mystery destination. We arrived to an area called Barranco near the ocean and walked around for a while. As we were walking, John Mark stopped near a bush and said "oh my goodness girls look at this! I cannot believe someone would leave flowers right here in these bushes!"
The guys had hid flowers with little rope bracelets attached to them. They were WAY out-doing themselves (and we loved it :)
Anyway the night was great! We ate a wonderful meal at the top of this restaurant, outside overlooking the ocean. Lee had to go get Liam during the middle of our dinner but luckily we were really close to the house and he just sat there quietly while we talked (though he cried for about 30 minutes straight with the babysitter.)
I just love my hubby and love that we still go out on such fun dates together. I looked at him the other day and told him "babe, after almost 4 year of dating, 7 years of marriage, 3 kids and more moves to count we still got it!" Not that we have it all together by any means but I think we have learned a little secret called "dating." We still date (eachother that is!) We truly enjoy just having fun together and getting away from the craziness. We even take our kids on dates by themselves because we know how important that time is. Sofia and I probably have the best talks ever on our mom/daughter dates.
Thank you Lee for being such an incredible husband and the time and effort you put into our marriage. It's so easy to fall in love with you over and over again. Thanks to you too John Mark for helping plan this last date. You two were a great team!
Lee kept on talking it up and asking why in the world it would be in front of our house?!? Finally he just turned to me and said "oh wait, maybe it's there because it's our ride!" I looked at him and laughed so hard but also was SO excited! I've been wanting to ride in one of these things since we got here. Shortly after realizing that the moto-taxi was our ride, John Mark and Tara (our teammates) showed up on their motorcycle and Tara and I realized we were going together!
We all four piled in the back of this TINY moto taxi and laughed the whole way to our mystery destination. We arrived to an area called Barranco near the ocean and walked around for a while. As we were walking, John Mark stopped near a bush and said "oh my goodness girls look at this! I cannot believe someone would leave flowers right here in these bushes!"
The guys had hid flowers with little rope bracelets attached to them. They were WAY out-doing themselves (and we loved it :)
Anyway the night was great! We ate a wonderful meal at the top of this restaurant, outside overlooking the ocean. Lee had to go get Liam during the middle of our dinner but luckily we were really close to the house and he just sat there quietly while we talked (though he cried for about 30 minutes straight with the babysitter.)
I just love my hubby and love that we still go out on such fun dates together. I looked at him the other day and told him "babe, after almost 4 year of dating, 7 years of marriage, 3 kids and more moves to count we still got it!" Not that we have it all together by any means but I think we have learned a little secret called "dating." We still date (eachother that is!) We truly enjoy just having fun together and getting away from the craziness. We even take our kids on dates by themselves because we know how important that time is. Sofia and I probably have the best talks ever on our mom/daughter dates.
Thank you Lee for being such an incredible husband and the time and effort you put into our marriage. It's so easy to fall in love with you over and over again. Thanks to you too John Mark for helping plan this last date. You two were a great team!
Lee & I
Felicitaciones Lee esos detalles son lo que mas valoramos las mujeres, me alegra mucho que sean felices en verdad tienes una esposa muy linda y buena. Que Dios los bendiga siempre. Besos
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