Last weekend (not the one we just had but the one before that) our family got an incredible gift. We were blessed to take a weekend off and go to an unbelievable resort. It was only 45 minutes from our house but we felt like we were in a different part of the world. The whole place was family oriented with activities to do every 30 minutes, swimming pools, horse-back riding, a ropes course, paint-balling, movies and the most important (to me at least) was the ALL-INCLUSIVE restaurants. Everything was included in the price so we got to go and just enjoy all the activities and nightly shows.
We got to relax and just spend time together and rejuvenate. We hadn't gotten away just the 5 of us since we've been here in Lima and going almost 4 months without the sun shinning was REALLY starting to get to us. I always had heard that there is about a 5 month period that the sun doesn't really show up here in Lima but I thought "how bad can it be?" Well.... BAD. It's gloomy and overcast everyday and all you want to do is curl up and watch a movie or read but wait.... you have a life to live, HAHA.
Anyway, that was probably the funnest part was just to be outside in the sun. We literally spent every moment outside until the sun set. The minute we turned onto the road near Lima, this huge overcast cloud set in. It was surreal how different the climate was just 45 minutes away. I posted all the pictures of our trip on Facebook but for those of you who don't have Facebook, here are some of my favorites: P.S. Thank you Patrick and Sara what a blessing this was to our family!
The Limster
Oh yeah, at 10.5 months old Liam took his first step-crawl at the hotel. Guess all he needed was some good grass and some sun! Couldn't believe I actually caught it on camera! I screamed so loud I think people thought something was wrong with him.
Liam-proud after his first crawl!
Did I mention there was a zoo at this place too??? I mean they had it ALL!
Some of the rooms/bungalows at the resort
Maddox and Sofia having a "moment"
Mommy and Maddox
Sofia getting her groove on in the adults dance class:) (I was hiding in the back)
Sofia and Mommy
We signed our kids up for what we thought was a "little kids talent show." They were troopers and got on this HUGE stage and danced away to "All You Single Ladies" Lee and I about DIED. Our kids are AWESOME!
Lee and I played each other in paintball while the kids were napping (don't worry our bungalow was just a few feet away.)
In case your wondering I beat him:)
Sofia and Maddox got to ride this horse as many times as they wanted and LOVED it
Here is the family picture we tried for about 30 minutes to take and finally just gave up at the end. We all had our ACU gear on.
Maddox talked the ropes-course guy into letting him climb with a rope, he was BESIDE himself excited! We all know Maddox's obsession with ropes:)
1 comment:
These photos are SO great! I love them! You all look so happy. I want to go to that resort, what a huge blessing that you needed!
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