Saturday, January 23, 2010

Organic Chicken

On Saturdays I have been going to an organic market and I take either Sofia or Maddox. It's fun to go with just one kid and spend some quality time together exploring the market.
Today I took Sofia and she looked so cute holding her bag for "her" groceries. The morning was going good until I asked for the "organic chicken." I had never found it at the market because they were usually out by the time I got there. I was so excited and told the lady I wanted some. It should have been my first clue when she "just one." I shook my head "yes" and got my money ready. Well.... this is what I came home with:
This would be the head
The Claws
A closer look at "the claw" while I demonstrated with my own hand :)
Dancing with the chicken

This is one more thing I didn't know about life in Peru. When you go to buy a chicken, they don't cheat you out of ANY parts.


Vanessa said...

I would have d.i.e.d. !!!!!!!! You are a trooper!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you never cut up a whole chicken? Esp the way your mom cooks . . . which I miss and love 12 years later:) So funny!!!!


Anonymous said...

You never had the privilege of having Mom Maude teach you how to cut up a chicken, did you, sweet girl? Now THAT was an organic experience. She used to show me how to play with the feet, too. And I STILL love to eat fried chicken and make her special ‘shake ‘n’ bake’! I bet yours was yummy, too!! ;)

Love you!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness is all I can say about that.