Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy 6 months Liam!!!

Our sweet Liam Pierce is a half year old. It's hard to believe! He is such a precious baby. He weighs 7 kilograms (sorry all of our stats are in Spanish measurements) 67 centimetros and the doctor called him "lazy" because he doesn't sit up or roll over. The way he came about this diagnoses is by pressing mine, lee's and then Liam's thumb back and when he saw how far back my thumb went he said that this was the reason that Liam was lazy and that it was in my genes (thanks mom and dad, HAHA.) I guess I'm too pliable and that makes me lazy :) We LOVE our pediatrician, he is unbelievable and SOOOO accommodating.

He is doing great though and actually has rolled over as of this weekend. He smiles and laughs a ton, sleeps well at night and loves to put his entire fist in his mouth. He has discovered his hand and actually looks like he is waving (I think he is waving but it's debatable.) Hope you enjoy this picture of Liam. We will be having his half birthday but not until tomorrow because Mondays are always crazy around here.
Happy 6 months sweet boy!


Olivia said...

Wow-Wee! What a handsome little fella! I love you all and we are praying for you constantly.

Vanessa said...

So cute!!! Can't believe he is 6 months already!!!
Happy half birthday, Liam!